About Us

Ger Perdisatt

20+ Years Business and Technology Strategy Expertise.

Ex-Microsoft COO.

Start-up CEO.

Non-Executive Director.

I’ve spent most of my career at the intersection of business and technology, helping customers solve their biggest business problems and capture their biggest business opportunities.

I believe that technology-for-technology’s sake is a waste of time. It’s a tool. It needs a context to be used in.

A lot of experts make technology concepts too obscure and complicated for most business owners and leaders to harness. They get the idea, but struggle to understand how it applies to them and their context.

In an ‘AI world’ this principle applies even more. Leaders understand that AI offers huge potential, but don’t know where to start.

That’s my specialism. I help business owners and leaders define, refine and action real-world AI strategies.

I’m an excellent communicator, a born pragmatist, a technology optimist, and love working on strategy.